Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Officially 18th oppsss 19th! :D

Wah this feeling is soooo great that i cannot tell other people about this feeling. I feel glad+happy+sad at the same time. Maybe because i'm getting older ( one year before becomes an adult ) haha. Well my sweet dormmates had celebrated my birthday the night before- 25 April 2011 at Pizza Hut! I felt soo excited before i found out my chubby pic! NO! NO! NO! it cannot be happening hahaha. 

 Me, Lily and Nad
 Love you all~
Friends from and until  Heaven :) -ayat Nad- 
 Gemok (me)!haha
 Cake : Given by Wani
 From the left : Wanie, Marissa And Ieka
Empty plates before ate 
 First slice - mine
 Hawaian Chicken Nyum-nyum!
 Pepsi Cola, Ice cream soda :D
In front of Pizza Hut- Saranghae!


D.A.Y.A.H said...

hepi belated besday.. :-)

Athira said...

thank you!:D

AimiiiLove said...

yang,happy birthday!i wish awl2 dlu kan? <3